

About this recipe

Another specialty served on Christmas Eve or Good Friday.


Wash mussels with a scouring pad, and then scrape off all the shell-gunk with a knife.

Put into a pot with 2 inches water or wine. Steam until shells open up (approx. 10 minutes). If a mussel doesn’t open, throw it out—eating it could make you sick. Break half the shell off and discard.

Make a dressing of:

  • breadcrumbs,
  • parsley,
  • fresh garlic (minced),
  • salt and chili pepper,
  • a little olive oil,
  • maybe some fresh lemon.

Remove mussels from remaining shells and toss in dressing. Then spoon mussels back into their shells (make sure to remember which mussel goes with which shell).

Bake at 350°F for 10-15 minutes. When done, squeeze fresh lemon over top.



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