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Stuffed Zucchini (Vegetarian)

About this recipe

I found this recipe in a book and modified it to our way of thinking. It makes a wonderful side dish for Veal Parmesan.


Wash well and cut both ends off:

Slice each zucchini in half lengthwise. Scoop out most of the pulp with a teaspoon and put into a bowl (you’ll use it later for the stuffing). Place zucchini on an oiled cookie sheet.

Then chop half the pulp (discard the rest) and put into a bowl.

In a medium-sized pot, fry:

When the onion looks good, add:

Let the zucchini cook a few minutes, and then add:

Stir in rice and cook a few more minutes. Then remove pot from burner and stir in:

Yeah, you’ve made the stuffing. Now, lightly salt your zucchini shells and load them with stuffing. Sprinkle more breadcrumbs over top and spray with Pam. Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes at 375°F.
